3 Day Water Fast Before and After

3 Day Water Fast Before and After
Cordelia Tan
Cordelia Tan

Cordelia Tan, is a passionate advocate for women's health and well-being. Known as Fasty's number one fan, she expertly blends Eastern and Western health practices, offering a holistic approach to diet and wellness. Her work focuses on empowering women with knowledge and practical strategies for a healthier life.

Despite its unconventional nature, the 3 day water fast has become a popular wellness strategy valued for its positive impact on the body. Learn what this type of fast involves and its benefits to help you decide if it aligns with your health goals.

Before a 3 Day Water Fast: Tips and Considerations

A 3 day fast is not for the faint of heart — literally and figuratively. Familiarizing yourself with the necessary precautions and best practices ensures a safe and effective experience.

Set realistic expectations

The most important factor when doing any type of fast is to set clear and realistic goals. Whether your goal is to start a healthier lifestyle or lose weight, defining your objectives will determine how much effort and how far you will push yourself to achieve them. Setting specific goals will also help you create milestones throughout your journey. This approach provides a clear visual of your progress and allows you to celebrate your accomplishments. Use the Fastic app to set specific targets and get a personalized strategy. If weight loss is your objective, Fastic will provide an estimated timeline for when you can achieve it, along with tailored steps to help you get there.

Physical and mental preparation 

The days leading up to a fast are crucial, as this is when your body and mind begin to adjust to the upcoming changes in routine and diet. Fasting requires a healthy body and a positive state of mind to endure extended periods without food.

Physical Preparation

Increase your water intake in the days leading up to the fast to ensure proper hydration. It is recommended you drink 2-3 liters of fluid daily, especially in the form of mineralized water. Gradually reduce food consumption in the days leading to the fast, this will help ease your body into it. Fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods to support your body’s energy levels, especially during the first day. Get plenty of quality sleep and make it a top priority also while fasting.

Mental Preparation

Hunger will strike, so have activities ready to distract yourself. These can be physical activities, including swimming, stretching, and evening walks, or mental activities, such as reading, painting, and crosswords.

Consult with a healthcare provider

It's paramount to emphasize the importance of seeking professional medical guidance before undergoing a 3 day water fast, or any fast for that matter. Due to the extreme nature of fasting, consulting your healthcare provider beforehand is recommended. You may not be aware of underlying medical conditions that might put your health at risk. Individuals with heart conditions, chronic migraines, and type 2 diabetes, among other conditions, should not do a 3 day water fast.

Gather the necessary supplies

Three days without food will likely leave you with low energy levels, making you unfit to leave your home. Ensure you have a variety of fasting-friendly beverages and suitable post-fast foods, which we will discuss later.

Water is a must — be sure to also stock up on the following:

Allow your mind to relax and let the Fastic app take charge of your hydration. The Fastic app can send you timely hydration reminders and track your water intake. For those who want to improve their fasting experience, the Fastic app’s AI-powered chatbot can answer any fasting questions that might come up throughout the journey.

3 day water fast before and after

What to Expect During a 3 Day Water Fast

To minimize potential challenges during the 3 day water fast, consider scheduling it on days when you have less workload or fewer commitments. Let’s explore the daily breakdown of what you can expect during this fasting protocol.

Day 1

Expect to experience some side effects, particularly on the first day of your fasting journey. The most common side effects of fasting are headaches, irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and the most dreaded, hunger. Although hunger will be the most prominent, don’t let it distract you from the positive effects fasting can have on your well-being. 

Research shows that after 10 to 16 hours of fasting, your body begins to break down fat stores for energy through a process called lipolysis, which releases fatty acids into the bloodstream. These fatty acids can then be converted into ketones by the liver. While fasting, the process of autophagy, by which cells renew themselves, can also be activated, potentially inhibiting the production of free radicals and reducing inflammation. Additionally, ketones serve as an alternative energy source, particularly for the brain. Scientific research suggests they may support memory and learning function, and protect against neurodegenerative diseases.

Day 2

By the second day, you’re likely to feel less irritable and have developed strategies to manage hunger while optimizing your water intake. Various bodily processes are working continuously, creating a domino effect. A 24-hour study on water-only fasting demonstrated a reduction in Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels in plasma. TMAO is a chemical made by gut bacteria closely associated with diseases like hypertension and diabetes. 

Another study on eight-day water fasting showed that participants' bodies shifted their energy source from glucose to stored fat within two to three days, entering a state of ketosis. This shift resulted in an average weight loss of 28 pounds (12.7 kg), which included both fat mass and lean mass loss.

Day 3

On the third day, you will have established a routine that works well with your body’s needs and everyday responsibilities. You may begin to notice weight loss, as your body is likely using fat stores for energy by this point. This indicates a strong likelihood that your body is burning fat to meet its energy demands. 

You should reflect on your experience and how your body has responded to the fast. Assess whether your body adapted well to it, consider if you would do it again, and think of any modifications you would make for next time.

After a 3 Day Fast: Essential Eating Guidelines

Once the fast is complete, refrain from going back to your previous diet. Reintroduce solid foods in small portions and gradually increase them. If you tend to have three large meals throughout the day, have various small meals throughout the day instead. 

Comprehending what and how to eat after a fast is crucial to avoid refeeding syndrome. Refeeding syndrome occurs when someone who is malnourished begins eating again too quickly, where a sudden influx of nutrients can cause severe electrolyte imbalance leading to dangerous health complications.

Evaluate whether the 3 day water fast was right for you. If you determine it isn’t, various intermittent fasting protocols can still help you achieve your goals. Take the Fastic quiz to discover which intermittent fasting protocol is best for you according to your lifestyle, dietary preferences, and objectives. On the other hand, if you found the experience beneficial and you want to step it up, consider trying a 7 day water fast for an added challenge.

Disclaimer: It is advised to speak with a health professional before beginning intermittent fasting or a diet program. There may be side effects for people with certain medical conditions.

With Fastic, millions of people have achieved their desired weight, overcome disease and regained their quality of life.

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