Does Diet Coke Break a Fast? Can You Have Diet Coke While Fasting?

Cordelia Tan, is a passionate advocate for women's health and well-being. Known as Fasty's number on...

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A diet Coke won’t break your fast as it has no sugar or any calories for that matter. That said, it’s not the healthiest choice of drink to have as it contains artificial sweeteners, which are linked to gut health issues in the long term. It’s best to stick with healthy, zero-calorie drinks during intermittent fasting, such as tea.
Does Diet Coke Have Any Calories? Does It Affect Insulin?
Diet Coke has no calories, mainly because it contains artificial sweeteners as opposed to sugar, which is used in the regular Coca-Cola. Similarly, Coke Zero Sugar is also zero-calorie, hence the name.
Diet Coke contains aspartame, an artificial sweetener 200 times sweeter than regular sugar without the calories. As a result, it doesn’t impact insulin production.
If you’re fasting for weight loss, you have to be mindful of your calorie intake during the fast and after. Diet Coke may be a suitable choice for both periods, as it has no calories. Still, you should log it in your diet chart to know exactly how much you have consumed.
Fastic is a great app for tracking food and drink consumption during intermittent fasting. It tracks your fasting duration and calorie consumption, helping you effectively attain your goals.
Does Diet Coke Make You Hungry?
It’s believed that artificial sweeteners may increase appetite and make you feel hungry. The sweetness from these sweeteners may also increase your sugar cravings. This effect of artificial sweeteners hasn’t been researched extensively, so we can’t say for sure that a Diet Coke will make you hungrier.
One study published in JAMA Network found that sucralose, an artificial sweetener, increased appetite in females and obese individuals. This study warrants further research into biological factors related to non-nutritive sweeteners and their effect on appetite.
The potential relation between hunger and artificial sweeteners used in Diet Coke and other zero-calorie sodas may have more to do with the neurological response. An article published in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine explored this connection and found that artificial sweeteners may partially activate food reward pathways, which may lead to increased cravings.
Again, more research is needed to confirm the effect of artificial sweeteners on appetite and sugar cravings.

Diet Coke, Artificial Sweeteners, and Gut Health
Even though Diet Coke may not break your fast or provide calories, it’s not entirely safe. Research suggests that regular use of some artificial sweeteners can negatively impact the gut microbiota. These studies found that sucralose and saccharin changed the gut microbiota in humans. The results were similar in a recent study that used aspartame, the sweetener used in Diet Coke. However, as another article points out, more research is needed to conclude such findings because gut microbiome can be influenced by various other factors.
Other Side Effects of Diet Coke
Besides the potential link with changes in the gut microbiome, Diet Coke is also a risk because of its phosphorus content. Although an essential nutrient, phosphorus, when consumed in excess, may increase the risk of heart disease.
Phosphorus is typically added to sodas for flavor and color. It’s found in Diet Coke but not in the diet version of Sprite.
For individuals with chronic kidney disease, it’s important to limit dietary phosphorus so that the level of this nutrient can be safely maintained in their blood. If you have kidney disease, you shouldn't consume Diet Coke at all as you risk increasing your phosphorus intake.
Insulin resistance is another potential issue with artificial sweeteners and, by extension, diet sodas. A 2020 study studied the effect of artificial sweeteners on insulin resistance levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The study found that subjects who consumed artificial sweeteners had higher insulin resistance; however, more research can help confirm the findings.
Diet Coke vs. Coca-Cola
Despite the potential health risks associated with the ingredients in Diet Coke, it’s a slightly better choice of drink than Coca-Cola. That’s because the latter contains a lot of sugar, and overconsumption of sugar is linked with myriads of health conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
Plus, for those fasting for weight loss, Coca-Cola isn’t a good choice at all, even during your eating window. It all comes down to caloric deficit when trying to lose weight, and a regular Coke will give you so many calories. On the other hand, Diet Coke has no calories, so it’s relatively better during intermittent fasting for weight loss.
If you’re struggling to find the right drinks to consume during intermittent fasting, the Fastic app can provide ideas for zero-calorie beverages that are safe to consume.
As always, moderation is key, so ensure that your Diet Coke consumption is in check during your fast and after to avoid any adverse effects.
Disclaimer: It’s advised to speak with a health professional before beginning intermittent fasting or a diet program. There may be side effects for people with certain medical conditions.
With Fastic, millions of people have achieved their desired weight, overcome disease and regained their quality of life.
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