Does Sucralose Break a Fast? Can You Have Sucralose While Fasting?

CMO @ Fastic

With Fastic, millions of people have achieved their desired weight, overcome disease and regained their quality of life.
Sucralose may break your fast if consumed in excess. Although marketed as zero calories, sucralose may break a fast because of its ingredients. Many brands of sucralose, including the popular Splenda, contain additives, which have a few calories. So, consuming a lot of sucralose may induce an insulin response.
When fasting for weight loss, it’s important to keep track of all your food and liquid intake, including any calories from sugar or its alternatives. The Fastic app for intermittent fasting offers detailed tracking of everything you consume to get the most out of your fast. So you can track calories from sugar or artificial sweeteners and stay within the limit.
What Is Sucralose?
Sucralose, also known by the brand name Splenda, is an artificial sweetener discovered in the UK and commercialized in the late 1990s. It’s artificially produced by altering the chemical structure of sugar.
Splenda and its copycat brands are sold as zero-calorie sweeteners, as sucralose, unlike sugar doesn’t have calories. But there are reportedly a few calories in Splenda packs (more later).
Sucralose is often used as an alternative to regular sugar, especially in cooking and baking. It’s much sweeter than sugar, so only a small amount is required to achieve the required sweetness in drinks and desserts.
It’s also a go-to for those looking to lose weight. Artificial sweeteners like sucralose are popular with fasting regimens, especially intermittent fasting.
Does Sucralose Spike Insulin?
Pure sucralose has zero calories, so it’s not supposed to activate the body's insulin response. Several studies support this hypothesis. One review study of sucralose’s effect on glucose levels in the bloodstream found that 33 studies confirmed sucralose has no impact on glucose concentrations. In other words, it doesn’t activate an insulin response.
Some studies oppose these findings. For instance, one randomized control study found that regular sucralose consumption can affect insulin response and glucose levels in healthy young adults.
The jury is still out on whether sucralose spikes insulin response and increases glucose levels in the blood. However, more studies support that it doesn’t affect blood sugar levels.

The Calories in Splenda
As far as fasting is concerned, when consuming any kind of sweetener, we have to look at the calories. Splenda, the main sucralose brand, claims its sweetener has no calories. However, it uses dextrose in the composition, which is a type of sugar. Because the calories from this sugar are very few (less than 4), the company can claim their product as zero-calorie.
So technically, sucralose is zero-calories, but Splenda and other brands of sucralose-based sweeteners are not entirely calorie-free.
Again, the calories and the sugar are almost negligible (less than one gram of sugar), so they may not be enough to activate an insulin response.
So Does It Break Your Fast?
Sucralose would normally not break a fast if consumed in moderation. However, if you use a few too many packets of Splenda while fasting, its sugar may activate an insulin response.
If you’re fasting for weight loss and don’t want to bring your body out of ketosis, it’s best to steer clear of any artificial sweeteners that may break your fast. Although the chance is very low, you should instead opt for sweeteners that are actually zero-calories and have no impact on glucose levels in your blood.
You may take it during your feeding window to keep your sugar intake low. Experts recommend keeping a diary of what you eat while trying to lose weight, and an app like Fastic offers that. You can even take pictures of food to determine how many calories, carbs, or sugar it contains. That just makes tracking super easy!
Is Sucralose Safe?
Sucralose’s safety has been debated recently, with some potentially troublesome findings in studies.
It’s believed that regular consumption of sucralose can impact the gut microbiome in the long run. While most studies didn’t find any issues in short-term consumption, one controlled trial found that it has a minimal effect on gut bacteria.
Gut bacteria are critical for digestion and many other processes in the body, including the immune system.
One study suggests that sucralose is not entirely safe at high temperatures and produces toxic compounds.
The research on sucralose’s potential risks isn’t conclusive, and there’s a need for more research, especially with humans. Plus, it’s still approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and available on shelves, suggesting it’s safe for consumption.
Tread Carefully with Artificial sweeteners
Whether fasting or not, it’s best not to consume artificial sweeteners like sucralose in generous amounts. For starters, they may break your fast. Also, there may be side effects that have not yet been fully researched.
That’s not to say that you shouldn’t use Splenda or other artificial sweeteners at all. Moderation is the key!
Disclaimer: It’s advised to speak with a health professional before beginning intermittent fasting or a diet program. There may be side effects for people with certain medical conditions.
With Fastic, millions of people have achieved their desired weight, overcome disease and regained their quality of life.
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