Does Monk Fruit Break a Fast? Can You Have Monk Fruit While Fasting

CMO @ Fastic

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Monk fruit sweetener, derived from an antioxidant found in the fruit, does not interfere with fasting as it has zero calories. However, if you’re fasting for gut rest, avoid this sweetener. The gut may absorb it, which beats the purpose of fasting. Also, look out for any monk fruit sweetener additives that may stimulate an insulin response.
What Is Monk Fruit and Monk Fruit Sweetener?
Monk fruit, also called luo han guo, is a small, brown, round fruit from southern China. This fruit, like most others, contains sugars like glucose and fructose. However, its sweetness comes from its antioxidants, which are called mongrosides.
Monk fruit sweetener is derived from those very antioxidants. Only the antioxidant is extracted from the fruit’s juice, leaving behind the actual sugars. As a result, unlike the actual fruit, monk fruit sweetener doesn’t have any calories. It can be as much as 250 times as sweet as the regular sugar.
Monk fruit is a natural sweetener similar to stevia. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved monk fruit sweeteners in 2010, readily available in markets everywhere.
If you’re watching what you eat during intermittent fasting, you can easily track any brand of monk fruit sweetener you use. Simply download the Fastic app and track your calorie intake for everything you eat and drink.
Monk Fruit’s Impact on Fasting
In principle, monk fruit sweeteners should not break a fast as they’re non-nutritive. There are no carbs or proteins, which typically stimulate insulin response. However, the research to confirm this has been somewhat limited. According to an analysis of the literature on this sweetener, studies have shown limited to no insulin stimulation effect of monk fruit, but those studies were conducted on animals. Human trials may confirm this hypothesis further.
With the current research and the caloric makeup of the monk fruit sweetener, it’s safe to say that it doesn’t break a fast. Ultimately, it comes down to the purpose of your fast. If you’re fasting for weight loss, monk fruit sweetener is a safe bet. It won’t bring you out of ketosis. Similarly, if your goal is autophagy and you’re fasting for an extended period, you may use this sweetener in zero-calorie, fast-friendly drinks. But if you’re fasting for gut rest, then it’s a bit of a grey area. One mice study indicated trace absorption of the compound in monk fruit sweeteners. That, technically, may interfere with a ‘gut rest’ path.
Although monk fruit is a natural sweetener, it’s strong. Even if it doesn’t break your fast, go easy on the amount, and don’t overdo it. You may use a little to sweeten a drink.

How Much Monk Fruit Sweetener Can I Take While Fasting?
There’s no recommended daily intake limit for monk fruit sweeteners. However, the safe amount of consumption is generally considered to be 60 mg per kilogram of body weight in a day. It’s worth noting that this sweetener is relatively new, so there’s not much research or data to go off of. As such, using monk fruit, like any other alternative sweetener, is recommended in modest amounts. Just because it doesn’t break a fast doesn’t mean you should use it frequently while fasting.
Pros and Cons of Using Monk Fruit Sweetener
Let’s look at the advantages and drawbacks of this natural zero-calorie sweetener:
Doesn’t spike blood sugar (suitable for weight loss and diabetes)
The most obvious benefit of monk fruit is that it doesn’t cause an increase in blood sugar levels, which is great if you’re trying to lose or maintain weight. It may also be helpful for diabetic patients and allow them to consume sweet drinks and foods without worrying about a sudden glucose spike.
Antioxidant effect
Mongrosides are antioxidants, after all. They’re known to prevent cellular damage in the body. However, mongrosides specifically have not been tested in human studies for their antioxidant effects.
Anti-cancer effect
Some research suggests that monk fruit extract may inhibit cancer growth. In a publication in the American Journal of Cancer Research, there’s some evidence that mongrosides reduced leukemia (blood cancer) cell growth. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects and the way they take place.
Limited research
Little human-centric research exists on monk fruit sweeteners to confirm their effects and safety. More research, specifically human trials, is needed.
Are There Any Additives in Monk Fruit Sweeteners?
Monk fruit sweeteners may contain additives like erythritol, a sugar alcohol. Erythritol itself is low-calorie and may not break a fast. Any other additives may add some calories to the product, interfering with your fast.
It’s best to read the nutritional information about the monk fruit product you’re buying and check calories per serving. Also, look at individual ingredients and check if any of them have a high glycemic index. That said, it’s highly unlikely to find such an additive, as most monk fruit products are sold as zero-calorie, low-glycemic sweeteners.
Use Monk Fruit to Make Your Fasts Sweet
Considering the present research and consensus in the scientific community, monk fruit is acceptable for use during a fast. In other words, putting it in your zero-calorie drink won’t break your fast. That said, take the less is more approach. Don’t use it too frequently. You may also use it to keep your caloric intake low during the eating window.
To make fasting effective and efficient, use the Fastic app to track everything you consume, set hydration reminders, and get quick answers to your questions. It can help you turn your fasting regimen into visible, sustainable results.
Disclaimer: Speaking with a health professional before beginning intermittent fasting or a diet program is advised. There may be side effects for people with certain medical conditions.
With Fastic, millions of people have achieved their desired weight, overcome disease and regained their quality of life.
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