Zero-Calorie Foods and Drinks for Intermittent Fasting

Zero-Calorie Foods and Drinks for Intermittent Fasting
Tim Börner
Tim Börner

Tim Börner is a dedicated intermittent fasting advocate and user engagement specialist with a deep passion for promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Based in Germany, Tim has been an integral part of the Fastic team for several years, where he combines his expertise in user engagement with his personal commitment to intermittent fasting. His approach is rooted in the belief that a harmonious blend of disciplined eating habits and mindful living is key to overall well-being.

Fasting doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds. While adjusting your routine and possibly your diet is necessary, not everything has to be off-limits. Zero-calorie foods for intermittent fasting are a thing, and so are zero-calorie drinks, but can you indulge them during fasting hours? 

Let’s explore which 0-calorie drinks are allowed while fasting and what zero-calorie food options you can enjoy when fasting. If you want to learn more about the different types of intermittent fasting protocols, try Fastic, a fasting app that provides helpful tools for every step of your fasting journey. 

Role of Calories in Intermittent Fasting

Calories are the main energy source for your body to be able to do everyday activities. Calories come from macronutrients in the food you eat and they include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 

Intermittent fasting is a practice in which you cycle between periods of eating and fasting, where during fasting hours you abstain from calorie consumption. When the body does not ingest calories it enters a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body uses fat for energy rather than glucose. Reduced calorie consumption alongside ketosis fosters weight loss and enhances various physiological processes such as autophagy, improved insulin sensitivity, and increased energy levels.

Can You Eat Zero-Calorie Foods During Fasting?

You can eat zero-calorie foods while fasting. Nonetheless, as far as science knows, there are no 0-calorie foods. All foods and drinks (except water) contain calories to some degree. So, yes you can eat zero-calorie foods while fasting, but it is not recommended as it can break a fast. You should only eat them during the eating window. You can, however, drink zero-calorie beverages during the fasting period, we’ll talk more about these later on. 

Zero-Calorie Foods for Fasting

Zero-calorie foods are also known as low-calorie foods. These foods are typically low in macronutrients, high in water content, and usually require more energy to digest than they contain. 

Zero-calorie foods for fasting are: 

Fastic equips you with the tools you need to embrace a fasting-friendly diet. Use its smart food scanner to track your meals, offering nutritional insights like calorie, carbohydrate, fat, and protein content for precise calorie awareness. It also provides a range of fasting-friendly meal options for you to choose from.

0 calorie drinks for fasting

Zero-Calorie Drinks for Fasting

Fortunately, there are 0-calorie drinks for fasting, which you can enjoy both during fasting and eating periods.


Water is essential for staying hydrated at all times while intermittent fasting. You can get creative and create your own fasting-friendly drinks, like cucumber water or lemon water

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas like chamomile, ginger, and peppermint tea, offer hydration and additional health benefits, like aiding digestion and reducing stress. Always go for unsweetened varieties as sugar can interfere with your body’s fasting state. 

Black Coffee

For those coffee lovers, you will be glad to know that coffee doesn’t break a fast as long as it is plain black coffee. It has appetite-suppressant properties and functions as a source of energy for when you need it halfway through the day.  

Tips on Zero Calorie Options During Intermittent Fasting

Avoid Additives

While some artificial sweeteners and additives may have no calories, it is not entirely clear whether or not they impact fasting. Although they have low to no calories, they might stimulate insulin responses or digestive processes. It is better to be safe than sorry, so avoid them to ensure you get the full benefits of fasting and don’t jeopardize your progress. 

Some additives that typically do not impact fasting include:

Most studies found that low or no-calorie sweetened foods or beverages did not increase hunger or subsequent food intake. However, it's important to note that artificial sweeteners and additives, despite having virtually no calories, may affect individuals differently.

Tackling Hunger Pangs

Hunger is imminent when fasting, particularly during the first days, making you reconsider whether thinking about intermittent fasting was even a good idea. Taking advantage of 0-calorie drinks for fasting allows you to manage hunger without disrupting your fast.

Another way you can tackle hunger is to incorporate fiber-rich foods during eating windows, doing so will give you a sense of fullness for longer periods. Practice meditation, and engage in physical activity and mindful eating to help control hunger during fasting.

Stay Hydrated

Maintaining optimal hydration while fasting is key to a healthy fasting experience. Since you are not obtaining the same amount of water from foods, you must compensate for it by drinking more water than usual. Drinking electrolyte beverages is also allowed, but you must verify they are sugar-free. 

Look Out for Hidden Calories and Overconsumption

Be cautious of foods and drinks marketed as zero-calorie as they may contain hidden sugars. During eating windows, eat balanced, nutrient-dense meals and ensure you stay within your calorie limit to avoid overconsumption. Use the Fastic app to guarantee you stay within your daily calorie limit. Its calorie counting system makes it possible to easily manage and spread out your caloric limit however you prefer. 

Zero-calorie foods and beverages are paramount for an enjoyable and successful fast because they provide a sense of satiety without breaking your calorie restriction and aid in managing hunger pangs. Incorporate these options into your fasting routine, preferably during the eating window, for better fasting results. 

Disclaimer: It is advised to speak with a health professional before beginning intermittent fasting or a diet program. There may be side effects for people with certain medical conditions.

With Fastic, millions of people have achieved their desired weight, overcome disease and regained their quality of life.

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