14:10 Intermittent Fasting: The Do’s and Don'ts

Tim Börner is a dedicated intermittent fasting advocate and user engagement specialist with a deep p...

With Fastic, millions of people have achieved their desired weight, overcome disease and regained their quality of life.
Are you still debating whether you should give intermittent fasting a try? You probably heard changing your entire routine and enduring uncountable hours of hunger are part of the deal. We’re here to tell you that’s not true.
The 14:10 fast enables you to achieve optimal health and well-being without compromising your lifestyle or excessively restricting your eating habits. Keep on reading and find out what you can and cannot do during a 14:10 fasting plan and accomplish peak health at your own pace.
When Can You Eat During a 14:10 Fast?
The 14:10 fasting method is one of the many variations of time-restricted eating (TRE). It consists of fasting for 14 hours and eating during a 10-hour window. The 14:10 fast is the TRE regimen that most adapts to a normal eating routine. The fasting times align well with normal sleeping hours and the eating period is during regular waking hours.
This fasting plan is the ultimate option for individuals who are just starting fasting or don’t want to drastically change their routine. The Fastic app helps you track your fasting times so that you continue your daily routine as usual without making drastic changes.
TRE is one of the most popular fasting methods due to its schedule variations that allow you to decide whether to step it up or level down the intensity. If you want to challenge yourself, the 20:4 hour fast is the way to go, but if you’re looking for something less demanding, the 14:10 is a better option.
What You Can and Can’t Eat During a 14:10 Fast?
Time-restricted eating plans don’t focus on calorie intake, they focus on the timing of meals. You can eat as much as you’d like whenever you want (during the 10-hour eating window, of course). But, there is a catch, you must ditch unhealthy eating habits and make smart, healthy changes to your everyday diet.
Your fasting diet should include:
fruits and vegetables
nuts and seeds
whole grains
healthy fats
lean protein
Tip: Including fiber and protein in your fasting meal plan can help you feel fuller, an excellent way to tackle hunger during fasting periods.
On the other hand, you must stay away from:
fried food
heavy meals
processed foods
highly salted foods
unnecessary supplements
If you still want to monitor your calorie intake, the smart meal tracker by Fastic is an AI-powered tool you can use to track your meals and their calorie content. It also provides nutritional insights, so you know exactly how each meal benefits your body.
What Does a 14:10 Intermittent Fasting Schedule Look Like?
Even though you have to stick to a strict schedule during fasting, TRE plans like the 14:10 fast give you the freedom to set up your eating and fasting hours according to what works best for your routine. Setting the 14-hour fasting window during sleeping hours is ideal because your body naturally enters a fasting state when you sleep. At this time your body undergoes physiological renewal processes and replenishes energy lost during the day. So, what does a typical 14:10 fasting schedule look like?
Here is an example of a 14:10 intermittent fasting schedule you can reference.
7:00 PM: Begin fasting period.
9:00 AM: The fasting period ends. Break fast with a nutrient-rich breakfast.
12:00 PM: Eat a light lunch.
3:00 PM: Have a light snack.
5:00 PM: Enjoy your last meal of the day — preferably a bountiful dinner.
7:00 PM: The fasting period begins again.
Timing and keeping track of your fasting hours might not be a top priority in your busy lifestyle. Help yourself maintain a strict schedule and reach your goals faster with timely reminders by using the Fastic app. If this is your first time fasting, learn about the things you must know before starting intermittent fasting to have a better notion of what you should take into consideration beforehand.

Boost Your Health with the Benefits of a 14:10 Fasting Plan
No matter your goal, 14:10 intermittent fasting can give you the optimal health you’ve been looking for. Scientific studies have proven that 14:10 intermittent fasting improves health in various ways. Some potential benefits are:
healthy weight loss
improved metabolic health
enhanced brain health
cellular repair and longevity
energy boost and focus
Intermittent fasting doesn’t just improve one aspect of your health, acting like a domino effect, it can improve multiple physiological processes. It can enhance cellular processes, metabolism, and brain and heart health while encouraging weight loss.
Who Can Practice 14:10 Intermittent Fasting?
Anybody can practice the 14:10 intermittent fasting plan. However, for safety measures, it is recommended you refer to your doctor for professional guidance. Women experiencing menopause can benefit from intermittent fasting because it helps regulate hormone levels, ease menopause symptoms, and aid in burning belly fat. Intermittent fasting in men over 40 can positively impact their health markers and help maintain muscle mass while exercising.
Who Should Not Do 14:10 Intermittent Fasting?
People with chronic illnesses should not practice intermittent fasting. Moreover, individuals taking medication should ask for medical guidance to determine whether intermittent fasting is adequate for their health conditions. Even if you are healthy as ever, play it safe and ask your primary doctor if intermittent fasting is right for you.
Comparing the 14:10 Fasting Method to Other Fasting Methods
If the 14:10 intermittent fasting schedule is too simple and you want to challenge yourself, opt for more intense fasting regimens.
5:2 Method
The 5:2 method requires you to go 24 hours without food intake, where you eat for five days and restrict your calorie intake for two days, (500-600 kcal). The days must not be consecutive.
Modified Alternate Day Fasting
Alternate-day fasting is quite straightforward. Unlike the 5:2 method, there isn’t a strict calorie restriction. On eating days you can eat as you normally would and on fasting days you fast entirely.
Fasting Is Not an All-or-Nothing Method
Now that you know exactly what to do and what not, give the 14:10 intermittent fasting plan a go. Start with an easy fasting plan and work your way up the intensity ladder to reach your goals at your own pace. Kick off your fasting experience with confidence, you only need motivation, commitment, and the Fastic app to help you every step of the way.
Disclaimer: It is advised to speak with a health professional before beginning intermittent fasting or a diet program. There may be side effects for people with certain medical conditions.
With Fastic, millions of people have achieved their desired weight, overcome disease and regained their quality of life.
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